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N35 Rectangular / 1-Hole Disc Neodymium Magnet

Length x Width x Thickness (MM)
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Size: Rectangle (LxWxTH) +/- 2mm
Type: 1-Hole

Hole diameter: 4mm - 6mm
Material: N35 NdFeB
Withstand temperature: 80C


Acoustic field: the speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage audio, car audio and so on.

Electronics: permanent magnetic actuator vacuum circuit breakers, magnetic relays, meter, sound meter, a reed switch, sensors.

Electrical field: VCM, CD/DVD-ROM, generators, motors, servo motors, micro-motors,motors, vibration motors.

Machinery and equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery.

Healthcare: MRI scanners, medical equipment, magnetic health products and so on.

Wedding corsage badges, etc., can be replaced with a magnet attracts every other clothes pins, so as not to damage the dress.  For the overlying metal drawing board for fixing the drawing paper. Magnetic blackboard whiteboard fixed file drawings.

Advertising magnets available to replace the original fixtures, at any time convenient to replace the ad content.

Models piling, you can use small magnets to connect two widgets.

Hole magnet can be used to attach screws and other parts, even wrenches and other tools.

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