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ElecFreaks Ring:bit Car v2 for micro:bit (without micro:bit)

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This Ring:bit Car from Elecfreaks is a small DIY smart car driven by the BBC micro:bit and the ELECFREAKS Ring:bit. The Ring:bit extends the micro:bit's 3 GPIO ports and allow for different sensors and components to be easily attached to the micro:bit. A basic Ring:bit Car can be easily programmed to run autonomously, with a remote control, and even create rainbow beacons of light. Just add one of the many extensions available and your Ring:bit Car can do even more things like line and light following, obstacle avoiding, drawing and more!

Note: micro:bit is not included. 3 x AAA batteries are not included.


  • DIY mobile robot kit using micro:bit
  • Compatible with makecode
  • Suitable for 9 years old children
  • Two 360 degree continuous 3.0V-5.5V powered
  • Comes with all accessories to build two wheels mobile robot
  • Both motor and microbit are powered by 3 x AAA battery (not included)
  • Comes in loose parts
  • Comes with manual book